Cerro Peineta - Patagonia - New Route "wake up and fight" - from Patagonia Vertical -facebook
John Snorri and Tomaz Rotar reach 6600 meters on K2 - from Desnivel.com
https://explorersweb.com/2020/02/03/broad-peak-everest-k2-the-struggles-continue/ -- Broad Peak, Everest,K2 : The Stuggles Continue.
https://www.facebook.com/Patagonia-Vertical-563620956987849/ -- Cerro Peineta - Patagonia - New Route "wake up and fight"
A few days ago and on the west face of Peineta, Sebastian Pelletti (AU) y Cristobal Vielma Sepulveda (CL) opened a beautiful 400 meter line to the left of CapicĂșa Pastor (Arancibia-Fica 2005). The red colored granite is of superb quality, with long clean corners, finger to fist cracks, and a couple of difficult slab sections to connect one crack system to the next. They found difficulties to 5.11 and A1, climbing mostly free, with a few short sections of aid, some thin, requiring pitons and micro-nuts. The weather on the day of the ascent was cold and windy, and although Seba and Cristobal started late they managed to reach the summit by 6PM. They rappelled “Billy the Kid” (Garber-Lloyd 1993), leaving their line completely clean
The International Expedition trying the first winter ascent of K2 (8.611 M) this year has made the first progress on the route of the Abruzzo
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