Himalaya-Alpine - Kamet expedition (7075 meters) trip report with pictures
Paul Pritchards summits "his" Totem Pole in Tasmania from planetmountain.com
Leclerk and Lindic bag hard new line on NE Face of Tuzo in the Canadian Rockies
http://altitudepakistan.blogspot.com/2016/04/spring-2016-summit-window-hide-and-seek.html -- Raheel Adnan -- Pakistan -- Summitwindow - Hide and seek continues on Annapurna
http://himalaya-alpine.blogspot.com/2016/04/2016-kamet-expedition-satopanth.html -- Kamet (7075m) Expedition by Himalaya-Alpine Guides trip report
http://www.planetmountain.com/en/news/climbing/paul-pritchard-summits-his-totem-pole-in-tasmania.html -- Paul Pritchard summits "his" Totem Pole in Tasmania
Leclerk and Lindic bag hard new line on NE Face of Tuzo in the Canadian Rockies
https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener Please log in




https://www.facebook.com/sally.morley.92?pnref=story - Skyline Trail
light rain in the manzanita, and it began raining in earnest halfway to Thank you Jesus Rocks. I finally put on my rain jacket at step-over log. The trail turned into a streamlet. Once on the traverse it let up a little. When we arrived at the tram I had one dry item of clothing, an Icebreaker long-sleeve shirt which was stored in a zip-lock Baggie. If you were there and heard howls of laughter coming from the Ladies Room by the bar, it was us trying to dry our britches with the hand-blow-driers. We had comfort food afterwards at Las Consuelas. Thanks, team "Wet Rat" for a fabulous and memorable day!
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