Everest/Lhotse 2016 - Gear ferried into Western Cwm as a safety move - Alan Arnette
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http://www.planetmountain.com/it/notizie/alpinismo/chamlang-expedition-2016-marco-farina-e-francois-cazzanelli-terminano-acclimatamento.html -- Chamlang Expedition 2016 - Climbers (Italian) end acclimatization
Chamlang Expedition 2016, Mark Farina and François Cazzanelli end acclimatization
04/22/2016 of Planetmountain
After a few nights in about 5700m alpinists Mark Farina and François Cazzanelli they have finished the phase of acclimatization before groped the unclimbed north face of Chamlang Peak (7319 m), Nepal. Not ideal conditions prolong the phase of reconnaissance and assessment of the objectives.
From the day of arrival at Base Camp, the climbers Marco Farina and François Cazzanelli have made some ascents at altitudes progressively higher to improve the acclimatization to altitude and to evaluate the objective condition of the surrounding walls. At this stage they spent some nights in tents at the base of some mountains in the area, at about 5700m, so you can choose the best way to complete the phase of acclimatization at altitudes above 6000m. at the moment, the walls are unfortunately not in optimal conditions given the scarcity of ice and snow, impassable situation that makes some of the lines identified by our climbers on the north slope of Chamlang. The two are therefore considering other possible targets mountaineering, always in the spirit of the project, however all of high standard and "Vertical Dreams." He says, however Cazzanelli "Today acclimatization up to 6330M .. The nice thing is that we are both very well !!" For more information: www.sportmilitarealpino.it 18/04/2016 - Chamlang Expedition 2016, Mark Farina and François Cazzanelli behind the untouched north wall climbers Mark Farina and François Cazzanelli reached the base of Chamlang Peak (7319 m), Nepal. In the coming days will begin climbing attempts Inviolata north wall, about 2000m high
http://www.alanarnette.com/blog/2016/04/22/everestlhotse-2016-gear-ferried-western-cwm-saftey-move/ -- Everest/Lhotse 2016 - Gear ferried into Western Cwm as a safety move -- Alan Arnette blog
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