Lennox Mountain - Goat Basin Ice Climb (fail) - Trip report with pictures from CascadeClimbers.com
Thenneller - Werner Reizler Steig (climb) - Trip report with pictures from Summit Post (Seluninite 01)
https://www.montagna.tv/151485/weekend-tragico-sulle-montagne-tre-morti-in-abruzzo-sciatore-perde-la-vita-sul-piccolo-cervino/ -- Tagic weekend in the mountains : Three dead in Abruzzo, skier lost his life on the Piccolo Cervino ( Little Matterhorn)
https://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/topic/103198-tr-lennox-mountain-goat-basin-ice-climbs-fail-11302019/ -- Lennox Mountain - Cascades WA -- Goat basin ice climb - fail -- Trip report
https://www.summitpost.org/thaneller-werner-riezler-steig/1046772 -- Thaneller --Werner Riezler Steig (climb) -- Trip report with pictures
https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener/photos_all Please log in


Snowshoed from the tram to San Jacinto today. Thanks to Tracy’s crew, my friends Terry and Jenny and others, there’s now a good track (sometimes even a trench) to the peak. It was a hard day and there was a long line to go down, so I chilled out with a wonderful steak, potatoes and IPA at the tram bar. The drive home was a buzz kill — the west bound 10 was a parking lot 😖 On a sad note, the Craigmeister said a rescue was in progress for a hiker stuck in the snow at 7.8 K on Skyline
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