Cerro Union in the Andes -- Trip report with pictures from Seano on his website (Dr Dirtbag)
Alex Txikon summit push possible February 24 or 25 on Winter Everest without oxygen Desnivel
https://explorersweb.com/2020/02/22/last-chance-for-winter-everest-kobusch-moves-txikon-readies/ -- Last Chance for Winter Everest : Kobusch Moves, Txikon Readies.
http://www.drdirtbag.com/2020/02/22/cerro-union/ -- Seano -- Cerro Union - Andes -- Trip report with pictures
https://www.desnivel.com/expediciones/alex-txikon-partira-manana-lunes-24-o-martes-25-a-intentar-la-cima-del-everest-invernal-sin-oxigeno/? -- Winter Everest summit push possible February 24 or 25
https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener -- Please log in