Another 100 Adventure Films to stream for free - from
Mt San Gorgonio trip report with pictures from Mark Aguilar on Facebook
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stefan Nestler -- Chinese Team in Everest Advance Base Camp. -- Another 100 Adventure films to stream for free -- Mt San Gorgonio summited - Trip report with pictures from Mark Aguilar on facebook

So I left Saturday morning to go do the North face of San Gorgonio by myself, I am 3/4 the way to Dry lake walking along the stream bed I hear people up above on the regular trail above me all of a sudden I hear a voice Mark is that you I said yeah who's that and it was
GI Jane
she lives down the street from me I took her for her first time Mt. Baldy West bowl couple months ago.
She was with three other guys that we met at Baldy that day, (Daniel coming up the Chute "the Dare… See More
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