Cerro Solo in Patagonia from Patagonia Vertical on Facebook - English translation included
Top Twenty Somewhat Secret swimming holes from Facebook
Five stunning Natural Wonders of Asia video by National Geographic - February 19 (Scroll down)
http://www.planetmountain.com/en/news/alpinism/passion-alpinism-and-risks.html -- Passion Alpinism and Risks
http://www.planetmountain.com/it/notizie/competizioni/scialpinismo-transcavallo-matteo-eydallin-damiano-lenzi-e-brigit-stuffer-e-corinna-ghirardi-vincono-la-34-edizione.html -- Passion alpinism and risks (in Italian)
https://www.facebook.com/Patagonia-Vertical-563620956987849/?pnref=story Andy Anderson and Austin Siadak climbed a new line on the south face. They approached via Paso de la...
Cerro solo - head south / South face. [English further down] Andy Anderson and Austin siadak opened down a new road on the south face. Approached by the passage of the agachonas, taking five hours from el chaltén until the foot. Made in a long, the rest have escalated in alone. The Rock leaves much to be desired, but the view and the surrounding environment deserve five stars.

https://www.activejunky.com/articles/top-20-secret-swimming-holes?utm_source=keywee&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=kwtest&kwp_0=204965 -- 20 Secret Swimming Holes

https://www.facebook.com/National-Geographic-Adventure-30049274825/?pnref=story -- Video
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