Exclusive : Jim Reynolds just pulled off the biggest free solo of the year (and its not Alex Honnold)
Weary Climbers Continue down Jannu - from Explorersweb.com website
Hiker rescue underway on Bump and Grind Trail (near Palm Springs) -- Kesq
Tourist plunges to his death in the Grand Canyon taking a picture -- BBC News
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/2019/03/climber-jim-reynolds-free-solos-fitz-roy/?cmpid -- Exclusive : This climber (Jim Reynolds) just pulled off the biggest free solo of the year (and its not Alex Honnold
Great exploits in Patagonia by Jim Reynolds, 25-Year-Old Californian famous for holding together with brad gobright the record of climbing speed in climbing of the nose on El Captain (2 h 19'44 ", record then beaten by Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell. Reynolds climbed solo and free only fitz roy along the Northwest Ridge (via afanassiev). And he also back it, always without any security. All in 15 hours and 50 minutes.
In the national geographic article you can find the details of this really impressive feat because it was the first time for Reynolds (which is part of Yosemite search and rescue). Which is three months left to wait for the right moment (even from the weather point of view) for its great climb. He also lived closely the dramas of this summer season patagonian, which recorded dead also on Fitz Roy. Just after that tragedy Reynolds had written these words, which make us understand his personality:
" this place fills me with doubts. Not sure about appartenergli. Four people died in the last windowWeather. It's terrible and ugly in these mountains of an otherwise immaculate beauty. Should I be here? Days later I knew my best friend since childhood died by overdose of heroin. In both cases death is inglorious, but i firmly believe that we are engaging for something beautiful. These are beautiful moments that make life worth living. Maybe one day I'll feel a different love and attract me elsewhere, but life is dangerous. I will not abandon love for fear.

https://explorersweb.com/2019/03/30/weary-climbers-continue-down-jannu/ -- Weary Climbers Continue down Jannu
https://www.kesq.com/news/hiker-rescue-underway-on-bump-and-grind-trail/1063969732?fbclid -- Hiker Rescue underway on Bump and Grind Trail
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47750685?ocid -- Tourist plunges to his death in the Grand Canyon taking a picture
https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener -- Please log in
https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener/photos_all Please log in

Great exploits in Patagonia by Jim Reynolds, 25-Year-Old Californian famous for holding together with brad gobright the record of climbing speed in climbing of the nose on El Captain (2 h 19'44 ", record then beaten by Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell. Reynolds climbed solo and free only fitz roy along the Northwest Ridge (via afanassiev). And he also back it, always without any security. All in 15 hours and 50 minutes.
In the national geographic article you can find the details of this really impressive feat because it was the first time for Reynolds (which is part of Yosemite search and rescue). Which is three months left to wait for the right moment (even from the weather point of view) for its great climb. He also lived closely the dramas of this summer season patagonian, which recorded dead also on Fitz Roy. Just after that tragedy Reynolds had written these words, which make us understand his personality:
" this place fills me with doubts. Not sure about appartenergli. Four people died in the last window
Weather. It's terrible and ugly in these mountains of an otherwise immaculate beauty. Should I be here? Days later I knew my best friend since childhood died by overdose of heroin. In both cases death is inglorious, but i firmly believe that we are engaging for something beautiful. These are beautiful moments that make life worth living. Maybe one day I'll feel a different love and attract me elsewhere, but life is dangerous. I will not abandon love for fear.
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