A non stop festive bridge for Alpine Rescue - from Montagna.tv (English Translation supplied)
Ortler and Konigspitze paralpinism linkup - from PlanetMountain.com website
New page on Personal Websites in the Forum at Summitpost in the General Section
https://www.alanarnette.com/blog/2020/06/02/fresh-update-on-climbing-around-the-world/ -- Alan Arnette -- Fresh Update on climbing around the world.
https://www.montagna.tv/161435/un-ponte-festivo-senza-sosta-per-il-soccorso-alpino/ -- A non stop festive bridge for Alpine Rescue. ( English Translation also )

https://www.planetmountain.com/en/news/alpinism/ortler-konigspitze-paralpinism-linkup-aaron-durogati-bruno-mottini.html -- Ortler and Konigspitze paralpinism linkup

https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener -- Please log in