Uli Biaho (6109m) in the Trango group in Pakistan - Pictures, report and video - Planet Mountain
He climbed the height of Denali in a stairwell for charity - from Gripped Magazine
https://www.planetmountain.com/en/news/alpinism/aiguille-du-plan-mystery-solved-ondrej-huserka-evka-milovska.html -- Aiguille du Plan (Mont Blanc) Mystery solved by a Slovak team.
https://www.planetmountain.com/it/notizie/alpinismo/uli-biaho-la-via-di-della-bordella-schiera-schupbach-gruppo-del-trango.html -- Uli Biaho (6109m) in the Trango group (Pakistan) - Report, pictures and video
https://gripped.com/profiles/he-climbed-the-height-of-denali-in-a-stairwell-for-charity/ -- He climbed the height of Denali in a stairwell for charity

https://www.facebook.com/cyril.kaicener -- Please log in