Three Back to Back Big Wall Ascents in Patagonia - from website
Baldy 600 times by Mark Aguilar - Shin's 600 th summit hike with pictures - Facebook
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Album Baldy 600
Today's hike on Baldy
Shins 600th Summit 👏🎉
Shins 600th Summit 👏🎉
We met around 7:30 this morning at the trailhead at Baldy it was great seeing people I only see sometimes twice a year sometimes once a year.
Beautiful weather today after a while got a little chilly on the summit had a great time with everybody today.
Beautiful weather today after a while got a little chilly on the summit had a great time with everybody today.
Had lunch with a few people at Baldy Lodge...Thanks Shin
Just another Bitchen Day on Baldy for a special reason and a special person...🤜

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